Daily Wisdom vol. 3 - Standard size 5½ x 8½

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The Lubavitcher Rebbe's mystical teachings on the weekly Torah portions are widely studied by students and admirers around the world. The Rebbe saw the weekly Torah portion as an inexhaustable source of new ideas, insight into current issues, and profund relevance for daily life. He urged his followers, as well as everyone who came into contact with him, to seek daily inspiration from studying the Torah. This third volume of DAILY WISDOM, in the tradition of the highly acclaimed first & second volumes of DAILY WISDOM, presents these daily inspirations in a clear, user-friendly format. Like its predecessor, this volume comprises 378 daily lessons, each of which offers a taste of the Rebbe's vast and deep teachings, filled with love for humanity, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness. These ideas are woven together throughout the book, resulting in a precious daily resource that wiull enrich and elevate the lives of all readers.
Translated and adapted by: Rabbi Moshe Wisnefsky Publisher: Kehot Publication Society Format: 5½" x 8½" Hardcover, 486 pages Language: English Inspiring insights on the Torah portion from the Lubavitcher Rebbe The Lubavitcher Rebbe's mystical teachings on the weekly Torah portions are widely studied by students and admirers around the world. The Rebbe saw the weekly Torah portion as an inexhaustible source of new ideas, insight into current issues, and profund relevance for daily life. He urged his followers, as well as everyone who came into contact with him, to seek daily inspiration from studying the Torah. This third volume of DAILY WISDOM, in the tradition of the highly acclaimed first & second volumes of DAILY WISDOM, presents these daily inspirations in a clear, user-friendly format. Like its predecessor, this volume comprises 378 daily lessons, each of which offers a taste of the Rebbe's vast and deep teachings, filled with love for humanity, pragmatic optimism, and the conviction that evil and negativity will disappear when we learn to emphasize goodness and kindness. These ideas are woven together throughout the book, resulting in a precious daily resource that wiull enrich and elevate the lives of all readers. Other volumes in this set: Daily Wisdom #1 - Standard Daily Wisdom #1 - Pocket Daily Wisdom #2 - Pocket Chochmah Yomit vol. 1 - Compact Edition 4½ x 6½ People who bought this, also bought: Lightpoints - Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Torah Portion
More Information
Last Update Dec 2, 2023
Dimensions 5½" x 8½"
Binding Hardcover
Published By Kehot Publication Society
Language English
ISBN13 9780826608963
Link For More Information https://store.kehotonline.com/prodinfo.asp?number=ERE-DAIL3.L
Volumes 3
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