Eternal Joy - 3 Volume Set - New Edition

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In the annals of Jewish history, no one individual has been turned to for advice on so many matters great and small and by so diverse a populace, as has the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The more crucial the issue, the more people felt the need to garner wisdom, counsel and blessing from that one individual who loved each and every Jew with every fiber of his being, unconditionally. It should therefore come as no surprise that with regard to so critical an issue as finding one’s mate, finding a shidduch, there is a plethora of responses from the Rebbe, offering guidance and instruction to people who turned to him during this crucial period in their lives, or in the lives of their loved ones. By means of his voluminous correspondence, his answers through his secretariat, and public pronouncements during farbrengens — chassidic gatherings — and the like, the Rebbe addressed with fatherly love and scholarly wisdom a vast range of human concerns relating to shidduchim. Eternal Joy assembles these warm and thought-provoking pearls of the Rebbe’s wisdom in one book. The Rebbe’s approach to successfully building “a faithful edifice in Israel,” a marriage of “eternal joy,” is now accessible to all.
Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Translator: Rabbi Sholom Ber Wineberg Publisher: Sichos In English 6x9 Hardcover vol 1 176 pages vol 2 184 pages vol 3 176 pages From arranging a match to the wedding day, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's letters on a wide variety of subjects pertaining to shiduchim and marriage continue to guide us.
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Published By Sichos In English
Last Update Jan 1, 2025
Language  English
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