Outreach in the Torah (Paperback)
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Are you living in a bubble? The time has come to unite the broader Jewish community around mitzvah observance and ideals. Outreach in the Torah shows how the Torah is our guidebook for reaching out to others. The divrei Torah offer readers the weekly opportunity to delve into and discuss the importance of sharing our mesorah — actively and generously — to fulfill the ideal vision for Klal Yisrael. In these pages, you will not only be inspired to take action but will discover the spiritual benefits of sharing Torah study and the commitment to Torah values with others. “This is a sefer which challenged me to ask myself meaningful questions about my life. Am I doing what I should be doing for the betterment of the Jewish people as a whole? Are my spiritual aspirations individual, or do I meaningfully aspire for our collective advancement in our relationship with the Almighty?... I thank Rabbi Asher for challenging me and inspiring me.” –Rabbi Akiva David Kolchin, Rosh Kollel, Kollel Rischa D'Oraisa, Kiryas Sefer Dovid Asher has been the rav of Keneseth Beth Israel, the OU synagogue in Central Virginia, since 2011. After ten years in the bes medresh, where he learned in Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanon, Aish HaTorah, Mir, Derech HaTalmud, and Shaarei Mevaseret Tziyon, Rabbi Asher continues to teach Torah in a way that encourages a broader sharing of the chochmas HaTorah with those under affiliated in the Jewish community. Rabbi Asher is joined in these efforts by his wife, Aliza, and their children, Elana, Yaakov, Ora, and Adir Moshe.
Last Update | Dec 3, 2023 |
Dimensions | 6X9 |
Binding | Paperback |
Author (English) | Rabbi Dovid S. Asher |
Published By | Mosaica Press |
Language | language |
ISBN13 | 9781952370847 |
Link For More Information | https://www.feldheim.com/outreach-in-the-torah-paperback |
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