Reb Dovid

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Rabbi Shimon Yosef Meller, renowned author of The Brisker Rav and Reb Chaim Brisker<, has produced another biography about a scion of the distinguishedSoloveichik dynasty. This is a portrait of the life and teachings of Rav Meshulam Dovid HaLevi, zt”l, son of the Brisker Rav, Rav Yitzchok Ze’ev HaLevi Soloveichik, zt”l. The book depicts a gadol b’Yisrael whose integrity and brilliance earned him worldwide respect. It illustrates his diligence and greatness as an outstanding talmid chacham, an exemplar of dikduk halachah and yiras Shamayim, and a rosh yeshivah to thousands of talmidim. Reading about the life of Reb Dovid will inspire you and transform you into a different person — one who aspires to a higher level of limud haTorah and avodas Hashem. This sefer contains hundreds of rare and previously unpublished photos, illuminating the life and times of one of the exalted figures of Torah, whose loss is strongly felt — the last of the of the Brisker dynasty in our generation.
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Last Update Dec 3, 2023
Dimensions 7X10
Binding Hard Cover
Author (English) Rabbi Shimon Yosef Meller
Published By Distributed by Feldheim
Language language
ISBN13 9781680255720
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